Please wait for a while.

     A battle of the ZINRAI kamikaze.

                         NAGAHAMA, Toshiyuki  昭和十九年十一月、私たちは豊橋海軍航空隊において実用機教程の卒業を目前に控えて、 編隊飛行や魚雷発射運動など連日厳しい飛行訓練が続けられていた。 ある日昼飯の食卓に ついていると、 「本日は午後の飛行作業を中止する、一三〇〇練習生は居住区に総員整列せよ」 との指示があった。皆が緊張した面持ちで整列すると、分隊長田中大尉はゆっくりと全員 を見渡したのち口を開いた。 We were the time to end the course of the airplane for battles soon in the Toyohashi navy flight corps in November, 1944. Severe flight training, such as a "formation flight" and "thunderstroke training", was continued every day. When attached to the table of a certain day and a luncheon,there were directions with "Flight training of an afternoon is stopped today. All trainees need to gather. It will be to an auditorium in 1:00 p.m. " When it aligned with the countenance with which everybody became it tense, after Captain squad commander Tanaka overlooked all the members slowly, he opened the mouth. 「本日集まってもらったのはほかではない、最近の戦局は皆も承知の通り、今や国家は危 機存亡の秋である。この窮状を打開するために、航空機による画期的な戦法が採用される ことになった。但しこの攻撃方法は一機で一艦を葬ることを狙いとしたもので、生還は度 外視されている。この攻撃に参加を希望する者は、明朝〇八〇〇までに申し出るように。 これは強制ではないが、諸君の勇気と殉国の熱情に期待する」 "It speaks about the purpose of today's set. The latest war situation is disadvantageous for my army as gentlemen also know. In order to recover this difficult situation, the special attack method by the airplane will be adopted. The attack method is one airplane, the purpose sinks one warship, and itcannot be useful and return. Those who expect participation of this attack need to offer by 8:00 next morning. However, it is not compulsion. The passion which rewards gentlemen's courage and country is expected."  水を打ったように静まり返った居住区で、皆は思い詰めた表情をして身を堅くしていた。 The auditorium became quiet suddenly. Everybody is doing the tense face. And the body was hard. だれに相談すべき問題ではない。一晩中思い悩んだ末、この美しい山河や父母の住む町を 守るために、搭乗員としての名誉にかけても、俺たちが犠牲にならなくてどうする、よし やろうじゃないか! そんな気持ちで志願する決心をした。 Others cannot be consulted with on this problem. You have to solve by yourself. It determined, after worrying during a night. In order to protect the town in which these beautiful mountains and rivers and parents live, it applies to the honor as a crew and I learn from a sacrifice. It decided to apply in such a feeling.  昭和十九年十二月、飛練卒業と同時に希望どおり神雷部隊と呼ばれた、七二一航空隊に 転属が決まり宮崎基地に赴任した。 It was decided that transfer would be 721st Air Group's called "ZINRAI unit" as hope, and I who graduated from the trainee started for my new assignment on the Miyazaki base in December, 1944. 家田・和田・飛鷹・福原・佐藤・成清・城市・酒井ら の同期生と一緒であった。 I was together with the classmate of Ieda, Wada, Hiyou, Fukuhara, Sato, Narikiyo, Zyooichi, and Sakai.  着任して隊長に挨拶するため士官室に行った。すると見覚えのある顔が近づいてきた。 八木田大尉である。 in order to arrive at one's post and to greet a captain an officer room it went to And it was surprised to see a captain's face. It is because it was Captain Yagita. 「お前たちが来るのを待っていたぞ!」 そう言って、笑顔で話しかけてきた。 "it was waiting for you to come" he said so and smiled. われわれは、「分隊長!」と、思わず叫んで取り囲んだ。 We shouted involuntarily, the "Squad commander" and surrounded.    八木田大尉は豊橋航空隊でわれわれの分隊長であったが、教育途中に交替して、一足先 に七二一空に転勤していたのである。 Captain YaGita was the Toyohashi flight corps and he was our squad commander. However, he took the place in the middle of training, and was previously transferred to 721 flight corps. ここで再び分隊長として指導を受けることになり、 一同勇気百倍の思いであった。 Here, instruction will be again received as a squad commander. Therefore, energy came out of everybody.  搭乗配置は一式陸攻のサブ(副操縦員)である。 My duty here, It is the copilot of Betty Bomber. 神雷部隊のサブは、「桜花」搭乗員が機上で負傷などの事故が起きた場合これと交替して 「桜花」に乗り込み、体当たりを敢行すると聞かされた。 When accidents, such as an injury, occurred in the middle of, the pilot of "OHKA" took the place of him, got in "OHKA", and as for the copilot of a "ZINRAI unit", he was instructed to deliver "a bodily crush attack." それでなくても一式陸攻は防禦に弱く、その上重量が魚雷の二倍以上 の「桜花」を搭載するので運動性は極端に悪くなり速力も落ちる。 Furthermore, Betty Bomber has weak defense power. Moreover, "OHKA" is very heavier than a torpedo. Therefore, motile ability becomes extremely bad and a speed also falls. 出撃すれば先ず生還は 望めない。これで私の運命も決まったと覚悟を新たにした。 A safe return cannot be desired if it sorties. Preparedness was decided that my fate was also decided by this.  昭和二十年一月、家田・佐藤・酒井ら同期生の一部が輸送機部隊に転属を命じられた。 A classmate's Ieda, Sato, and Sakai ordered the transport unit to perform transfer in January, 1945. しかし、彼らは輸送部隊への転属を潔しとせず、隊長に抗議をしたが聞き入れられず別れ を惜しみながら退隊して行った。 However, it was useless, although they did not desire transfer to a transportation unit but protested against the captain. They left regretting separation.  残った連中は茨城県の神ノ池基地や大分県の宇佐基地などに移動しながら、「桜花」の 投下訓練その他の錬成訓練に励んでいた。 surviving us the Konoike base of Ibaragi Prefecture next, it moved to the Usa base of Ooita Prefecture, and dropping training of "OHKA" was performed. またこの部隊には、われわれ操縦員とは別に、 偵察専修の飛練を卒業した同期生、大沢・佐藤・片岡・大坪・山本兵曹たちが所属してい ることを知り気を強くした。 Moreover, apart from the operation member, a classmate's reconnaissance member, and Osawa, Sato, Kataoka, Otsubo and Yamamoto belonged to this unit  昭和二十年三月中旬、攻撃七〇八飛行隊は宇佐基地において錬成訓練を実施していた。 Attack 708 flight group was performing flight training on the Usa air base in mid-March, 1945. ある日、敵機動部隊が九州南東海上に接近しているとの情報が入った。 Information that "Attack force fleet" of a certain day and an enemy is approaching on the direction sea of southeast in Kyushu entered. そして遂に、「神雷部隊」に出撃の命令が下った。 Using this information, the command of a sortie went down to the "ZINRAI unit." 第二、第三中隊の十八機が翌朝を期して出撃することに なった。私は第一中隊の所属で今回の出撃編成表に名前はなかった。 The second and the third squadron 18 sets of will sortie on a morning of the next day. I did not participate in this sortie by affiliation of the first squadron.

721st Air Group's Betty Bomber Carrying "OHKA"

"The crew set" was ordered at 7:00 a.m. on March 18.
In the airfield, Betty Bomber Carrying"OHKA" is put in order and the sound 
of engine is sounded.

A classmate's Petty Officer 2nd class Sato approached by earnest expression 
and handed me a clock and cash.
「わかった! 必ず両親に貴様の出撃の様子は知らせる。どちらが先になるかと思ってい
"I understand! The situation of a sortie is told to your parents. Although it 
thought which becomes previously ...." it said and received.
He and I are our same home towns, and am the relations which joined the navy 
together from the same Nobeoka junior high school.
In front of the hangar, the table was put in order and the easy parting banquet 
was ready.
Lieutenant Commander Adachi of squad commander stood on the stage. And explanation 
of an enemy's position, the attack point, etc. was begun to the crew who lined up.
Suddenly !, <>, and the bomb exploded and the sound of <> and a machine gun sounded.
If it looks up, the large herd of Grumman will dive. The cartridge of a machine 
gun flew about and dust soared.

The crew who had gathered is beaten one after another. The surviving person 
escaped in each direction.
In an instant, the airfield certainly changed into the confusion state.
Betty Bomber currently arranged in the apron became a fire immediately, was wrapped
 in a crimson flame and deep-black smoke, and was destroyed completely.

Now, the sortie became impossible.
However, it was happy that carried "OHKA" did not explode. I will think that 
damage was doubled, if this explodes.
It is first fighting the new arms "OHKA" with which the navy's had and developed 
hope March 21, 1945 and on that day.
Attack 711 flight group which was being developed on the Kanoya base makes a 
squad commander Lieutenant Commander Nonaka, the flight corps chief, and is 
18 sets of sorties.

About thirty fighters have been arranged at the attack of this attack party 
for a guard.
However, planned interception was received in the group of the enemy Grumman 
fighter guided to the radar. Therefore, all were dropped before reaching a target.
In this attack, it is a classmate's Petty Officer 2nd class. Kotaro Takahashi 
participated. And it dropped together with the airplane.
 Attack 708 flight groupは、空襲が終わると、石川県の小松基地に移動した。
Attack 708 flight group moved to the Komatsu air base of Ishikawa Prefecture, 
after the air raid finished. Here, still more high-level training was begun.

Lieutenant Yakida was promoted to this time and the flying corps chief. And 
large number of people's Attack 711 flight group  crew has moved in.
In this, several persons, such as a classmate's Sasami,KAwazu, etc., 
were contained.
"Crews needed to gather in front of the air-raid shelter of an airplane
urgently" in the morning 
with the beginning of April was directed by the duty officer.

I who succeeded the officer under duty from the Petty Officer Osawa ran about 
the inside of a party, and transmitted these directions.
Sawamoto Lieutenant junior grade which stood on the air-raid shelter of an 
airplaneurgently It is the tense face and pointed. "The command of a sortie 
went down from the fifth aviation fleet headquarters today. This sortie is 
12 sets. The opportunity it is not decided yet that a pair will be is composing 
a pair promptly."

This time was together with those who have been transferred to another post 
from attack 711 flying corps in the middle of new organization. Therefore, 
there was a pair with a vacancy. It was wavering saying, "Should it participate 
in which captain's pair?"
It is "very well I participate" then. There were those who raised and ran out 
in loud voice. It is the Petty Officer Aikawa . It was taken in to the voice
and everybody participated in each pair.
Organization of each airplane was completed now. However, I was after the sequence 
later than the set. Therefore, since the classmate who had stood in a line before 
gained arrangement previously, it has not participated in this sortie.
By the sortie of this time, it is Petty Officer 2nd class, Sadao Kataoka,
Mashaichi Yamamoto and HaruyosHi Ootubo were killed in war. Petty Officer 2nd 
class Shoichi Fukuhara was shot down and he got seriously injured. This is a thing 
on April 14, 1945.
Unlike hope, I saw them off, without sortieing this time. The opportunity to 
sortie also at me came late in April. It is arrangement of the copilot of 
the fourth platoon opportunity of No. 3 of the first troop. 
The headband dyed saying "It is born 7 times and he is devoted to a country" 
was fastened, the "Rising-Sun flag" was attached to the arm, and 
the commemorative photograph was taken. Special feeling was produced.
After taking off, it flew along the seashore in the Sea of Japan, and the 
direction was changed from the sky of Yamaguchi Prefecture to south. 
However, information that the Kanoya air base which is a destination has 
suffered the air raid entered. Then, it was changed so that it might land 
on a Izumi air base.

It meant having hoped that he can stay here in the evening, and took off toward 
the Kanoya base tonight. As for the Kanoya base, many holes were located by 
the daily air raid on the runway. Moreover, most of a hangar, barracks, etc. 
was destroyed. This was already the base of the front line.
The building which became old a common store by wooden was in the rice field 
of the direction of the southwest of an airfield. It is the Nozato elementary
school. It is a "TENCHU group Okamura family stationing place" to an entrance. 
The written signboard is hung up. These is a "OOKA pilot" and the habitation 
division of a "kamikaze zero fighter."
The lodgings of the crew of the attack planes, we, were the air-raid shelters 
dug in the mountain side of the hill of a rice field on the south. 
It was not humid and comfortable the inside of a moat. Moreover, good sleep 
was not obtained in the life in a moat while being frightened of an air raid, 
It was standby while preparing the heart so that it could moreover sortie, 
whenever a command might come out. Therefore, also mentally and physically, 
the painful life continued.
The "Kikusui strategy No. 7 " was issued on May 24, 1945. The sortie command 
went down to us "the ninth cherry-blossoms special attack party." However, 
as for the direction of Okinawa, the information on bad weather entered, 
and the sortie was postponed on that day at the next day.
However, it became, when becoming dark the evening, and the "Siragiku" of 
the "Kikusui Siragiku party" which had marched out from the Kochi flight 
corps stacked the bomb of two shots of 250ks, and began the takeoff one 
after another. The several 20 sets.

It is not normal to order such a training plane to perform an attack night 
in the case of such the bad weather. It was worried, although it could reach 
to Okinawa safely or was others' thing.
The duty officer "immediately aligned in front of a command place" told the 
inside of lodgings, and the sortie crew turned at 5:00 a.m. on the 25th on 
the next day. It is still gloomy in outside. At an airfield, the sound of 
engine sounds roaring by signs that the test run has already started.
After I was born, was the purpose for merely dashing oneself against an enemy 
ship for 18 years? A moment to a sortie and various things were considered. 
Probably, "probably, God knows the result in which will do Aikawa and its best 
and I will do my best"! Language was exchanged and it got in each airplane.
Today's sortie is 12 sets. 
In order to avoid that an enemy's radar is supplemented, the interval was set 
and it took off from it separately. And it was to march with the course which 
is different, respectively.

" A homeland good-bye! " a throttle lever is opened gradually The face which 
became dirty to oil of the maintenance man who sees off while shaking a hat 
flows back one after another. It takes off carefully, using a runway to the 
limit. Since the airplane loading with "OOKA" is heavy, engine emits a painful 
The day also had the bad weather. At sea, rain cloud had hung low at the whole 
surface. Rain cloud becomes still deeper and rain strikes the glass of the 
front of a cockpit violently as it marches. Probably because "OOKA" is heavy, 
the altitude whose engine will be out of condition does not go up. 
The direction of Okinawa already seems to be contained in the rainy season.
The altitude which marches is 4000m. If it goes into clouds, all are white and 
the posture of an airplane is not known. Since nothings that become a target 
appear, it is perfect instrumental navigation. A sea surface can sometimes be 
seen from the interval of clouds. Since the posture of an airplane can be 
checked now, he feels easy.
I want to know the situation of other friend military secrets. However, the 
electric wave is controlled and it cannot send other than important matters, 
such as enemy discovery. The weather becomes still worse and the situation of 
other friend military secrets is not understood at all.
Back was looked back upon and seen. The OOKA pilot folded its arm and shut 
the eye with the right posture. Did he do death at hand and what consider? 
I have not gazed.
Although our crew is 1/10,000, he has the hope which is useful and returns. 
However, if dropped by him from an airplane, the method of returning besides 
exploding together with "OOKA" is not left behind.
And it is pressing gradually at the time of the last. Moreover, coldhearted 
pushing the dropping button of "OOKA" was my duty which is copilot especially.
The weather is not recovered even if it passes over the half of passage. 
The situation of another friend military secret was also unknown. A captain's 
Chief petty officer Ueda gave up the attack this time, and planned the following 

In the bad weather of such a field of view, it was judged that it was impossible 
to drop "OOKA."
It returned to the Kanoya base. Several sets had already landed. If it is reporting 
and standing by to the command place, one set will have come back with one set again. 
Since their weather was bad, the attack was given up.
The engine of one set was out of condition, and it canceled the sortie. Therefore, 
three sets have not returned yet. Since the opportunity of Aikawa was worrisome, 
it was asked and surprised at the telegraphic communication room.
The telegram had arrived. "which I attack in search of an enemy until fuel is 
exhausted" They say that and connection after it has stopped.







 進撃するにしたがって天候は次第に悪化しついに雲量は十となった。そのうえエンジン の調子もおかしい。搭乗整備員の関谷兵曹が窓に頬を付けるようにして、エンジンの様子 を見守っている。  ついに油圧が下がり始めた。オイルが漏れているらしい。現在の位置は沖縄まで三十分 とのことである。このまま突込むか、それとも引き返すか機内で議論が始まった。上田機 長は「突進あるのみ」と宣言した。  関谷兵曹はエンジンの状況から、「桜花」を積んだ過荷重状態での進撃は無謀である。 完全な状態に整備して出直すべきだと言って譲らない。上田機長は、 「我エンジン不調ノタメ基地帰投ノ見込ミナシ、母機諸共体当タリヲ決行ス」 と、電信員に打電を指示した。私を含めてペアの面々は、視界不良のうえエンジン不調で の進撃は無謀だと思っていた。  そんな雰囲気を察したのか機長は関谷兵曹の意見を容れて、「桜花」の投棄と反転を指 示した。この間、桜花搭乗員は瞼を閉じたまま終始無言であった。「桜花」の投下ボタン を押すと急に身軽になった。左に変針して不時着する島を探すために、全員が見張りの配 置についた。その途端、左前方にオレンジ色の火達磨となった飛行機が、クルックルッと 落ちていくのが見えた。 「雲に突込め!」 指示と同時に操縦捍を倒し、スロットルレバーを全開にして雲中に退避した。列島線上に はグラマンが、三段構えの迎撃態勢を整えて待ち受けているのだ。雲の隙間から黒煙が見 える。まただれかが撃墜されたのだ。我が機は雲を利用して退避運動を続けながら、どう にか喜界島に緊急着陸して虎口を脱することができた。  この日の出撃で、飛鷹義夫一飛曹は遂に還らなかった。私は命からがら生還することが できた。出撃の日の航空弁当は五目寿司とおはぎであった。それにビワの実が添えられて いた。毎年ビワの実が黄色に色づく梅雨の季節になると、当時の状況が眼前に彷彿とする。 目的を一つにして生死を共にした同期の友の面影が強烈に蘇る。  神雷部隊(七二一航空隊)で共に戦い戦没された同期生。 三月二十一日 第一桜花特別攻撃隊 攻撃七一一飛行隊 二等飛行兵曹 高 橋 幸太郎(山形・十八歳) 四月十四日 第四桜花特別攻撃隊 攻撃七〇八飛行隊 二等飛行兵曹 片 岡 貞 夫(長崎・十八歳) 同 同 同 大 坪 義 春(福岡・十八歳)  同 同 同 山 本 政 一(石川・二十歳) 四月十六日 第五桜花特別攻撃隊 攻撃七○八飛行隊 二等飛行兵曹 大 沢 龍二郎(福岡・十七歳) 四月十九日 (小松基地から鹿屋基地へ進出の途次) 二等飛行兵曹 成 清   広(福岡・十八歳) 五月十一日 第八桜花特別攻撃隊 攻撃七〇八飛行隊 一等飛行兵曹 田 中 辰 三(山形・十七歳) 五月十四日 第十一建武隊 戦闘三〇六飛行隊 一等飛行兵曹 古 田   稔(愛知・二十歳) 五月二十五日 第九桜花特別攻撃隊 攻撃七〇八飛行隊 一等飛行兵曹 相 川 和 夫(佐賀・十七歳) 六月二十二日  第十桜花特別攻撃隊 同        一等飛行兵曹 飛 鷹 義 夫(熊本・十七歳)                   以上は神雷部隊で活躍した長濱敏行君の手記である。長濱君は予科練時代は筆者と同じ ニ十ニ分隊五班で訓練を受け、谷田部空の飛練も同じ四分隊で苦労を共にした仲であった。 また「第十一建武隊」で特攻戦死した古田稔君も同じ班であった。  古田君は、予科練卒業後天草空の水上機に進んだ。その後、七二一空戦闘三〇六飛行隊 の所属となり、陸上機に転換し、戦闘機の錬成訓練を受けた。五月十四日、「爆装零戦」 による出撃を命ぜられ、種子島東方海上の敵機動部隊に対して「体当たり攻撃」を敢行し、 祖国防衛の礎となった。この功績は、聯合艦隊告示一一三号により全軍に布告された。
